Mistakes to avoid on building a dream home
Have you ever thought about building your dream house? Home ownership is something that most people dream of. It is a goal that can be fulfilled for a long term. You know exactly what you need and want to have, but have you thought about what you do not want and what you do not need? Have
you really discussed the whole thing through? You have given much consideration to what will work for you, but have you taken the time to think about what won’t work?
After dream houses are completely constructed it is usual that some were not built accordingly to all the plan that had been set before the construction. And many of those who have just completed the construction of their dream houses often regret saying that if they get one more chance to build a house, they would do it perfectly well by rectifying the errors.
Mistakes are something that we cannot escape in everything that we are doing. Residential houses and some establishments must not only comply to have aesthetically features but also comply to avoid mistakes. If you are wondering what are the possible mistakes you may commit on the construction process, here are some of what you need to avoid in building a dream home or establishment:
Having enough and good budget can make your plan safer and successful. It is important to establish better budget when building a home. The budget should include a slush fund that takes into consideration of possible and even impossible circumstances and overages, because even with the best-intentioned bid, incidentals will likely still come up. It is the most essential factor and it is not the same budget that you think you are spending for a month or in your everyday life.
Poor budgeting is one of the common mistakes that is committed in every field of construction.
Failing to come up in comprehensive budget is a surefire way to having a house built with substandard products and workmanship or on that comes in massively per what you expected. The common rates per square meter in Metro, Manila, Philippines is Php20,000 per square meter to Php30,000 per square meter. Settle in between these numbers. Go Php25,000 per square meter or higher for it is neither too cheap nor too expensive. The same goes for locations outside the metro. Why choose a pricing between these rates? Lot areas that are way too
cheap might be located at places with safety issues such as weather patterns, criminal rate, and natural calamities. Higher priced locations, although might cost you some more, will be able to provide a great environment and also the best cost for building you dream home.
Before agreeing to any terms and agreement, make sure that you have an idea of what you want from your custom home or establishment . Then do a bit of research and determine how much it is going to cost in choosing high-quality materials. Consider safety first in picking standard and top quality materials and equipment. Avoid this mistake of having not enough budget to refrain yourself from errors that can lead to more destructive and harmful results in your plan.
Consider applying for a construction loan with the help of construction firm. The right firm has their own collection of project proposals that includes a construction loan for your dream house and lot.
You probably feel so much excitement that you insist to be involved in every step or you think that in every decision that is made, you are the one who is always right. To make it clear, not all you want is right and not all you think is good. Well, to some degree you would be right.
However, do not take it too much. A general contractor works with the architects and builders throughout the entire process to turn your dream into reality. Their plans are much better than what you think that you have in your mind. In reality, not all things in your mind can be done. Professionals are the one who guide you about your ideas and wants. In some cases, you would think that all the things you want to be done in your dream house are possible.
It is not that easy like you are dreaming. There are proper placement and rules that are needed to be followed. It is the responsibility of the designer and builders to make sure that they meet your satisfaction and
expectation. It is also their task to know your ideas and make it happen. Do not take all the responsibility in building your dream, all you need is to trust and share all the ideas that you want to achieve.
On that note, you are going to want a crew that you get along with and that includes looking for an architect an engineer. Both of these professions have their own roles and responsibilities and it varies depending on their fields. But how can an individually hired architect and engineer who are in the different sides of a coin be able to work collaborate best in the same project? Simple, if they work in the same company.
One of the reasons why these two professions meddle with each other is because architecture is so creative and flexible while as engineering is described for being rigid and concise. An architect works to achieve the desired form and mass composition of a particular project. On the other hand, engineers are driven by their formulas and safety factors which always discourage the architect to achieve his visions.
Having the same goal of completing a successful project but different procedures and motivations as an individual, both of the extremes will most likely to end up having conflicts. But imagine if these two professions work under the same firm, with the same vision and mission, stand up with one standard, and work together in one building process. For sure, their collaboration would work better since their relationship has been established from their previous projects. After all, who would not settle for a conflict-free workplace?
1. Contractor runaway with unfinished projects.
When hiring a professional or construction firm, it is important to have a legally binding document between the two parties. This document, if ever such situation arises, will be reviewed by a lawyer and may lead to small claims courts. To exempt yourself from a contractor who does not finish his job because his “contract is over”, you should consider hiring a construction firm who will ensure
their credibility as a company.
2. Unfinished projects due to conflict or misunderstanding of architects and engineer. Every architect and engineer has their own styles and fortes on construction. For sure, when hired individually, will do the best of their jobs to satisfy their clients. However, when working together, especially those who will work in collaboration for the first time might experience misunderstandings.
Hiring a construction firm that has the same goal, vision and mission will most likely work together in unity.
3. Non-licensed contractor are cheap but risky.
What does being a “licensed” contractor mean? If a contractor is licensed, it means that they have a legitimate claim to be a professional in their industry. Once a contractor has claimed a license, it proves that they have met a standard and to maintain that standard in the industry to uphold their license. A future house owner who will hire a non-licensed contractor should assume the risk in the
quality of work and for legal and financial consequences.
4. Thinking that architect or engineer alone is enough to give the best result.
Same as what is written above, educate yourself by researching why hiring a construction firms are better than individual professionals.
Whether we like it or not, challenges during home construction are inevitable. The best way to manage and handle possible situations is by refraining yourself from committing mistakes. Start by hiring the right construction firm that will guide you throughout the project and expect the best results.